This month is all about setting healthier boundaries around your time and energy.

| By Meghan Rose | Entertainment

December Horoscope: What the Stars Have in Store for the Holiday Season

This month is all about setting healthier boundaries around your time and energy.

Welcome to the wonderful month of December, star child! This month we will have several opportunities to feel aligned with the ever-changing astrological energy in the month ahead. We enter December still in the midst of Sagittarius season, which calls us to explore, learn, and expand. This is the best time to bring artistic, cultural, and expressive pieces into your home that will encourage you to think outside of the box and get creative! It’s also a great month to celebrate the ones you love with a gift, a call, or some quality time together.

On the very first day of the month, Mercury (the planet of communication, technology, and travel) enters earthly and focused Capricorn. This will allow you to feel as though your plans, goals, and connections all have a bit of a “boost” and reminds you to put your to-do list above all other temptations of time and energy. You will notice that getting things done around the house, organising, and having a regular schedule will all be wildly grounding for you during this time. With Capricorn ruling over finances, you may even find yourself moving in with someone or splitting financial responsibilities during this time.

On the 4th, Venus (the planet of love, beauty, and desire) enters sultry and mysterious Scorpio. This transit will help you to bring a sense of sensuality into your life, heightening all five of your senses and truly turning your life into an exciting and pleasurable experience. There is also a New Moon in Sagittarius arriving on December 12th, offering us a chance to set intentions on our future and where we want to see our lives unfold. However, the next day on the 13th, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn begins, switching into fiery Sagittarius on the 23rd, and overall this retrograde period will follow us through to New Year’s Day on January 1st, 2024. Although retrogrades often cause fear, Mercury retrograde is actually a fabulous opportunity to pause, stay in, slow down, and set healthier boundaries around your time and energy.

The month wraps up with the sun entering methodical and earthy Capricorn on December 21st and allows us to think about long-term goals and habits we can form now to get us there. Try to invite a mantra of “less quantity, more quality”. There will be a luminous Full Moon in Cancer on December 26th, bringing us all an opportunity to release codependent, self-victimised, or habitual patterns in the past so you can enter into a grounded, emotionally aware, and connected chapter of your life. Later, on the 29th, we have Venus (the planet of love, beauty, and desire) entering bold and confident Sagittarius. This is a perfect time to bring colour, texture, and items that inspire you into your home. Lastly, when Jupiter stations direct and ends it’s months-long retrograde period in the grounded and luxurious sign of Taurus, you will benefit from upgrading your home, your life, and your habits!

Want to know more about how to align yourself with the stars this month? Read below for both your sun and rising sign to get the most accurate insights for the month ahead!

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December will offer you the chance to start anew and reinvent yourself, especially when the New Moon in fellow fire sign, Sagittarius, arrives on the 12th! You will be granted an opportunity to either travel somewhere new or share your past travel memories with someone new! There is a spark of inspiration going on this month that will have you feeling like you can take on the world, and for good reason! Try to use that inspired energy to finish a work project, dive back into your favourite hobby, or update your wardrobe in a risk-taking and authentic way! Remember, you are the one that makes the rules over your own life, Aries.


When Jupiter stations direct and ends its retrograde period in your sign on the 30th, you will realise what all of that recent “waiting” has been for. You were not being punished over the last few months by feeling stagnant, you were simply being offered a chance to rest and prepare for this month when you finally get to get yourself back out there! You needed time in your cocoon before you could spread your large, luscious wings, Taurus! This month, you will find that you are more ready than ever to end a chapter and take on a new year with confidence. This newfound excited energy is going to attract some new people and opportunities your way, too! Be sure to use the first few weeks of December to organise, declutter, and create a life of true quality over quantity. I promise you won’t want to take all of that extra “weight” into 2024 anyways!

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With the sun, moon, and Mercury all in Sagittarius this month, lighting up your seventh house of partnerships and romance, you will find that the conversations and connections you are making go deeper than ever before. You might be surprised to find new approaches to life and love that you truly enjoy. You are more than your past, and it’s time for you to think outside the box when it comes to your life. If you had the opportunity to wipe the slate clean, what would the new version of you look like? December is offering you a perfect opportunity to do just that. It is the time to start that process, brick by brick.


With a Full Moon in your sign lighting up your first house of self and appearance, you might feel inspired to bring a new, fun, and aligned identity up to the surface! As the sign that rules over home and family, you will start to realise your place in the world and redefine your sense of self with purpose and integrity. You are allowed to forgive yourself for chapters of confusion, separation, and hardship – especially if you’ve done the work to move on! No longer will you have to punish yourself or feel guilty. Instead, allow yourself to be human, make mistakes, and find grace for your process. This will also help you to forgive others and have a more understanding approach to life, making it easier to go out into the world without frustration or judgement.

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When Venus (the planet of love, beauty, and desire) enters Scorpio on the 4th and lights up your fourth house of home and family, you will benefit from connecting more deeply with others and creating a sense of comfort in your relationships. Focusing on the foundational aspects of your life is key in December. Instead of waiting for everyone else to initiate, why not invite some of your favourite people over for a night of connecting and making memories? Set the table, light a few candles, maybe even whip up one of your favourite dishes. Others will be impressed by your intentionality this month. If you’re feeling fearful about putting yourself out there and making the first move, remember that there is no shortage of desire for connection in today’s world. Sometimes it just takes one spark to set a connection ablaze.

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With a New Moon in Sagittarius lighting up your fourth house of home, you are craving some time at home with loved ones in a peaceful and well-curated space. It’s important for you to use this month to get into the habit of creating memories and traditions that align with you. Look at your lineage and allow yourself to dive deeper, beneath the surface, and understand the approach to homemaking, cooking, family, and community that allowed you to be here today. You do not have to agree with everything, but it will be helpful for you to create intentional extensions on tradition that you can carry forward with your family or chosen family this year and beyond.


December is a great time for you to dive into your habits and routines that allow you to feel grounded. With the sun in Sagittarius for the first three weeks of the month, your second house of material possessions, wealth, and work will be illuminated. You might feel called to prioritise your career and finances now more than ever. Instead of feeling like you have to keep up with the crowds this holiday season, maybe it would be best to prioritise experiences and hand-made gifts for the ones you love. A dinner with your closest friends after the holidays is a great way to debrief on family chaos, take photos, and make memories rather than swiping your card on a last minute gift they’ll probably end up re-gifting. Don’t pass up the chance to break the cycle and do something more meaningful this month!


You might have a little bit of nostalgia or melancholy as the sun enters Capricorn on the 21st and lights up your third house of friendship, siblings, and communication. You are ending the year feeling more aware of yourself than ever before, but it could also be causing you to feel slightly overwhelmed. Instead of convincing yourself that you are lost or far away from where you want to be, why not take time to reminisce on all that you have going in your favour! You are a resilient and emotionally-attuned being, Scorpio. It’s important for you to bring those you love closer as the month ends. Just because you’re hurting doesn’t mean you need to push people away, or save them from the troubles. Instead, let others support you as the year closes.


When Mercury enters Capricorn on the 1st and lands in your second house of material possessions, wealth, and work, you will feel inspired to get things done and close out the year with success! You will benefit this month from learning how to balance your work and personal life. Remember, sleep, routine, healthy food, and exercise shouldn’t fall by the wayside just because you have a new opportunity in front of you! Instead, show the universe you are ready to take on “more, bigger, better” by prioritising yourself and your health this month. You’ll be surprised at just how wide your capacity for joy, abundance, and blessings becomes when you make room for it all with a solid foundation and self-prioritisation!


Happy solar return, Capricorn! Whether you are celebrating this month or next, you will feel like dancing when the sun enters your sign on December 21st and sets the stage for a brilliant year ahead! You are being given an opportunity to redefine yourself and how you want to show up in the world just by following your interests. Instead of worrying about how you’ll reach your eventual goals, why not take one step at a time. Think about painting, redecorating, trying a new hairstyle, cleaning out and donating old clothes that no longer help you feel self-expressive. These “small steps” will give you more clarity and confidence to move in the right direction!


When Venus (the planet of love, beauty, and desire) enters Scorpio on the 4th and lights up your tenth house of reputation and career, you might feel called to dive deeper into your purpose than ever before. You are being granted an opportunity this month to figure out who you are and how you want to show up in the world. There may be someone who’s been on your radar for a long time as an idol or someone who’s work you admire that takes notice of you. This moment will remind you that all of your hard work has not been done in vain. Take time to celebrate any wins that come your way, no matter how big or small, in December! When you recognise yourself, it allows others to see you in a new, positive light!

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With the sun entering Capricorn on the 21st and lighting up your eleventh house of community, friends, hopes, and dreams, you will have a chance to see yourself in the life that you’ve always dreamed of having. You are finally realising that what you desire does not live outside of you, but it is actually present in this moment. Use December to see the love, abundance, and ease that exists around you. Ask yourself how you can tap into those feelings more often. Are you feeling most connected over a dinner with your friends? Or do you thrive when you have the space to pick up a good book and relax alone? Whatever the answer is, make more time for those things. Let yourself enjoy December and beyond by doing what you want!

About the author

Meghan Rose is a world-renowned Astrologer, Tarot reader, and writer known for her horoscopes and her work with Astrological compatibility. She is based in Los Angeles but offers her work around the world to clients and brands looking to align with the ever-changing celestial energy. You can find her at www.themeghanrose.com , TikTok, or Instagram.

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