Bed Threads fabulous TikTok guru swears by writing things down and crossing them off.

| By Rachael Thompson | Wellness

Hot Girl Walks, Alarms, and Meditation: How Our Video Producer Bella Clinton Stays Productive Each Day

Bed Threads fabulous TikTok guru swears by writing things down and crossing them off.

As someone who works in social media, video producer Bella Clinton understands how distracting apps can be on your workday. Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook are great to scroll through when you have downtime, but when you're trying to get work done? Not so much. Working on social media all day, you'd think it would be only natural to end up falling down rabbit holes of entirely unrelated content, but Bella has a brilliant productivity tip to save her from the scroll.

Bella's role as Bed Threads TikTok superstar involves her having a unique blend of creativity, technical skill, and a keen understanding of audience engagement. In the fast-paced world of social media, content creation has become an art form, and video producers are the virtuosos behind the scenes. It's a job she's mastered effortlessly.

Below, we're sharing the morning routine that sets Bella up for a productive day of content creation and chat with her about her top tips for staying organised and focused despite being on TikTok constantly.

Hi Bella! Welcome to the Bed Threads Team Morning Routine Series! Can you tell us a little bit about what you do at Bed Threads?

Hi! I am the video producer and (self-appointed) TikTok Queen here at Bed Threads. I edit and produce social video for our platform as well as grow and manage our TikTok.

What time do you typically wake up? Can you walk us through your morning routine?

I typically wake up around 6:30 am. On days when I work from home, I will get dressed and head out for my daily hot girl walk. I try not to check socials or emails first thing when I wake up and I also try to walk for the first half hour without AirPods in so I can just be in nature. On days when I work from the office, I skip the walk and jump into the car at 7 am.

What are some essentials you can’t start your day without?

Coffee. I have a ¾ almond cappuccino every morning and have convinced myself I cannot function without it.

Sunscreen – rain, hail or shine, I will be putting on my SPF 50!

What do you typically eat for breakfast to kickstart your day?

Peanut butter toast on sourdough. Day in, day out. There is something so comforting about waking up to hot buttery carbs. Classic Kraft peanut butter is my go-to.

Is there anything aside from coffee that helps when you feel too tired to function?

I am a one-coffee-a-day kind of gal, but if I’m feeling exhausted in the morning I will reach for my greens powder and a good multivitamin. However, if I hit a slump in the afternoon I’m grabbing chocolate or anything sweet!

How do you prioritise your tasks and organise your morning to ensure a productive start?

I am a big to-do list gal. As soon as I sit down at my computer and after going through emails, I will write a prioritised to-do list of everything that needs to get done that day and anything outstanding from the day before. Manually writing things down and then crossing them off my list as the day progresses really helps my productivity. I am also a big alarm setter. I will set alarms throughout the day to remind me of meetings, calls, and posting times. I even set alarms when I am getting ready in the morning. It serves as a reminder to hurry up and get out the door!

Do you have any specific strategies to help you stay focused and motivated throughout the workday?

Because my job is entirely on social media and my phone, screen time means NOTHING to me. I don’t even bother checking it! However, being on social media for the majority of the day can come with many distractions. Thankfully, I have taught myself not to sit and scroll, but if I am feeling distracted or just need to refocus I will get up and move around, make a tea, drink water, and put on a Spotify ‘deep focus’ playlist. I generally find meditation, exercise, and a good night's sleep are the key to staying sane and focused at work.

Which Bed Threads colourways do you currently have on your bed?


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