Crisp, cosy weather is a state of mind.
12 Ways Angelenos Make Their Home Feel Like Fall
Crisp, cosy weather is a state of mind.
When I was growing up along the southern central coast of California, every time autumn came around a thrilling rush of excitement would take hold, swiftly followed by a mini wave of disappointment. You see, the state largely has a Mediterranean climate and while some rain does fall from time to time and temperatures can dip down, generally speaking, it’s pretty warm and sunny all year round. For many people, this very fact is motivation enough to move here.
But for me, a die-hard holiday enthusiast, it made getting in the spirit of the season a feat. (Truly nothing more mood-killing, in my opinion, than waking up on Christmas morning to 75 degrees and a clear blue sky, but to each their own).
I lived in Los Angeles for 10 years prior to relocating to New York City and during that time I honed my skills for creating a festive fall ambience regardless of whether it was tank top weather outside or not. This is when I began to learn the suggestive power of environment—if you build a crisp, cosy space you will feel crisp and cosy.
Ahead, in no particular order, 12 ways to infuse your abode with a dose of feel-good fall vibes without having to prematurely light the fireplace or snuggle up in a cashmere blanket.
13. Display firewood, if only for the vibes
Even if you’re not going to use it, there’s something about an elegant stack of firewood that screams autumnal bliss. If you’ve got a unique nook or crevice in the living room, place a few logs there, otherwise invest in a chic firewood holder to keep the stack contained and easy to move around.