From your mattress to your lightbulbs, these detoxifying bedroom tips will let you sleep safe and sound.
The Ultimate Guide To Detoxing Your Bedroom
From your mattress to your lightbulbs, these detoxifying bedroom tips will let you sleep safe and sound.
Every girl knows the specific joy of slipping into freshly washed sheets, after their everything shower, and staring around at their sparkling clean bedroom. The satisfaction is real.
But did you know that while your personal sanctuary might look clean, there are a number of invisible factors that can create a toxic environment and impact on your health?
Not to worry though, we've done the dirty work to come up with the most effective ways to detoxify your bedroom so you can sleep safe and sound at night.
1. Check your mattress
months or even years at a time, ... linen and pillows. The Better Sleep Council recommends you replace your mattress every seven to ten years to avoid aches and pains as well as prevent dust mites and allergens, so if you can't remember the last time you went mattress shopping, it might be time for an upgrade. If you're not in need of a replacement just yet, letting your mattress air out for a few hours and giving it a rotation every once in a while will help keep it fresh. When it's time to choose a mattress, opt for a natural latex option to help eradicate any toxins that might find their way into your bed.
2. Make your bedroom a tech-free zone
We like to give ourselves the best chance possible at a great night of sleep, and it turns out electronic devices in our bedrooms are constantly emitting low levels of radiation and light. This can interrupt your sleep and delay the release of melatonin in your brain, keeping you awake for longer. Your best bet is to clear your bedroom of all electronics and declare a tech-free zone where rest is the priority.
3. Opt for natural sheets
You've heard us rave about the benefits of sleeping in 100% flax linen before, but now that we're on the topic of detoxifying your bedroom, it seems fitting to resurface the facts. Bed sheets made from synthetic fibres have been known to contain traces of chemicals and are far less breathable than their organic counterparts. At Bed Threads, our collection of 100% flax linen bedding is trans-seasonal, breathable and dirt-repellant, making it a no-brainer.
4. Use energy-efficient lighting
Finding the sweet spot for the right atmosphere in your bedroom can come down to your selection of lighting. While most of us are now living under the glow of LED bulbs, it's worth double-checking your light globes to determine if you're taking advantage of the energy-efficient options on the market. Our tip is to search for bulbs with a soft, warm light that feels comfortable and inviting. Another way to create a restful mood is to skip the overhead lights and rely on your favourite candles or a salt lamp for illumination instead.
5. Purchase an air purifier
Did you know that the air we breathe while indoors is widely accepted to contain VOCs (volatile organic compounds)? These toxins can come from a multitude of places including carpets, cleaning products, and the painted surface of walls. Short of re-painting your interior walls using natural paint, an air purifier is a handy way to remove a large portion of the allergens, dust and chemicals that are floating around your bedroom.
Did you know that the air we breathe while indoors is widely accepted to contain VOCs (volatile organic compounds)? These toxins can come from a multitude of places including carpets, cleaning products, and the painted surface of walls. Short of re-painting your interior walls using natural paint, an air purifier is a handy way to remove a large portion of the allergens, dust and chemicals that are floating around your bedroom.
6. Rearrange your furniture
Has the furniture and decor in your room been sitting in the exact same position for years? It might be time to rearrange your bedroom this weekend. If you've not moved furniture around in a long time there's a good chance there are some sneaky spots that are in desperate need of cleaning. Dust can collect behind artworks, mirrors, or under your bed frame and these are spots we tend to neglect when we're doing our average cleaning session. Repositioning furniture that has been in one place for lengthy periods of time means you get to clean under and behind it.
7. Wash your sheets regularly
According to The Sleep Foundation, sheets should be washed once a week to ensure you’re saying a final adios to all your little bacteria friends. They recommend washing your sheets every 3-4 days if you have pets living in your home, and if you’re someone with asthma or allergies, experiment with washing your bedding even more regularly to see if this reduces symptoms.
8. Open the windows
Proper ventilation helps reduce indoor air pollutants, so open your windows regularly to let in fresh air and ensure good air circulation. You should also clean your air ducts and vents regularly to make sure any circulated air isn't carrying with it dust or built-up debris.
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